Dear next year’s teacher,

I would like to write to you about our class next year. I have a couple expectations that I would like accomplished. They are a challeninging and fun class and learning a lot so that I can improve in English. I would also like to tell you about how I enjoyed doing the web page portfolio this year. It has been fun and it helped me organize my papers from English this year. I would advise you to think about doing a project like this as the students are already experienced in web page design and could easily make another webpage for English next year.

This summer I hope to be reading a lot. I recently bought a book of short stories that I am going to read. I think that I am also going to start practicing for my SATs this summer by getting a computer program to help me. I do this because I need to improve on the English portion of the SATs

I hope that next year will be good for both of us and I look forward to being in your class. Have a good Summer!

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